
DIRECTOR: RAK: Rakon: Peter Springford joins Rakon Board 02:06pm 
01/05/2012 14:06

REL: 1406 HRS Rakon Limited

DIRECTOR: RAK: Rakon: Peter Springford joins Rakon Board

1 May 2012
Peter Springford joins Rakon board
Rakon (NZSX: RAK) today announced the appointment of businessman Peter
Springford to its board as a new independent director.
Rakon Chairman Bryan Mogridge welcomed Mr Springford to the Board noting his
considerable business experience in China, which is an important growth
market for Rakon.
"Peter Springford has recently been Chairman of a large Chengdu wood products
business and a listed Hong Kong printing and packaging company, and has lived
and worked in Asia. With Rakon's expansion into China, his experience,
networks and knowledge of the region will be valuable to the Board.
"Besides his understanding of Asian markets, he is a highly experienced and
successful business leader. He is currently a director of Nuplex Industries
and the NZ Refining Company, a trustee of the Graeme Dingle Foundation, and
was formerly CEO of Carter Holt Harvey."
Rakon Chief Executive Brent Robinson said the appointment of Mr Springford is
timely given the company's development of its facility in Chengdu, China.
"The Rakon Crystal Chengdu facility was completed last year and is continuing
to expand its operations. It has recently shifted to 24-hour-7-day
production. It now has almost 200 employees and the facility will be further
increasing capacity over the next few months.
"There is significant potential for Rakon in China and other Asian markets.
Peter Springford's experience and networks in China and Asia generally will
provide valuable guidance to Rakon's Board and management as we continue to
grow the business globally."


Contact for further information:
Stephen Westwood, Rakon Marketing Manager
+64 9 571 9323
End CA:00222401 For:RAK Type:DIRECTOR Time:2012-05-01 14:06:33

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